Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A good month

Well, I haven't posted in a while because there hasn't really been anything new to post about. I think overall it was a good month. We had a nice Thanksgiving and a wonderful Christmas. Mom was able to be at all the family functions and even enjoyed a little Christmas shopping. :)
She has been very very tired, and is still having digestion issues. She is also experiencing some intense pain in her lower back. We are still waiting to see what might be causing that pain.

Throughout these last few crazy months, she managed to make my sister and I two amazing lap quilts. These are gifts we will forever cherish. It was a wonderful surprise and tears were shed by all!
Next week the preliminary tests will begin for the clinical trial in Denver. Please be praying for these new treatments to be helpful, and that the side affects wouldn't be too intense.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support.