Friday, February 8, 2008

Things are going well

Radiation has been going pretty well. She is on day 7, and had only minor side effects so far. She is doing chemo at the same time and the combo package seems to make her tired and a little sick, but nothing too drastic. She has really been a trooper!
Please keep praying that these treatments would do what they are supposed to, and that she would be cancer free at the end of the treatment cycle in June. We are so thankful for God's grace and peace throughout this entire process.
We will keep you updated! Thanks for your prayers!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

We'll keep praying with you! I check in at your blog often, just don't always have time to comment. I hope you're doing well. We still need to do coffee sometime! Is there some evening you'll be doing errands in the Fort and could meet me at Starbucks or something? Let me know.
Love, Sarah